Monday, October 26, 2009

10/26/09 Communication and Transparency

When I first accepted my current position as Director of Downtown and Community Revitalization with the City of Fresno, I began to think about ways to increase transparency in our newly configured department. We're doing some normal things, like an e-newsletter and an updated web page, but I wanted to expand beyond the expected.

I kept thinking about the original concept of a blog, as a web log, or a journal. So this is my attempt. I'm sure that it will vary, evolve and hopefully improve. It will not be perfect, if I have to send every issue to an editor, it won't get done. So please forgive some grammar issues and a few typos for increased access to city government.

The idea is that we are like a family, and over dinner we ask each other...

How was your day?

What did you do today?

What did you learn at school?

I will recap the meetings and activities of my day. I'll try to relay outcomes and also provide context for how these activities relate to our overall goals. I hope to get better and am open to suggestions. I'd like to incorporate links, photos and other multi-media and social networking, but that will have to come over time.



  1. Craig Scharton, what a great idea this is! My day went well. I look forward to your blog and the exciting things happening in downtown Fresno. Keep up the good work!


  2. Craig,

    Glad to see you back in the blogosphere.

    I had a good day transitioning from a weekend of park improving and mural saving, to a week of business planning.

    Thanks for committing to transparency and typos.


  3. We'd love to have you on the podcast to discuss communication and transparency and what you've got going on, Craig. The View Looks Good From Here, Fresno is always on the look out for guests with specific insights into what's shakin' in town. Hit us up, we'd be happy to give you another platform to speak and answer some questions.

  4. Love the KISS approach!!!! Keep it up!!

  5. Great idea bro! If Sac County officials start doing the same thing, you'll know where the concept came from. Government can't be transparent when the the Communications & Media officers homogenize everything into neat little press releases. I don't know where you find the time to write, but keep it up.
