Monday, May 31, 2010

05-31-10 Memorial Day

I have been in my new home in Lowell for four weeks.  I've had my new dog for two.  Man was my old  life simple.

The house will be an ongoing project for the next few years.

My goals:

I will bring this home back to its historic character in a way that will add to the revitalization of this neighborhood.  I will only use licensed contractors and neighbors.

Every bit of flora will be food producing.

I will incorporate the best energy and water conservation possible.

The art in my home will be from local artists.

Part of my personal goal is to integrate my beliefs with my actions.  It's not always easy.  There are many potential shortcuts.  As always it is easy to say what we should do, it is another thing altogether to do them.

Eventually, I'd like this home to need very low overhead, so that I could live here well into the future.  I'd also like it to be a showcase.  A place where neighbors could see how much food can be grown on a residential lot, using less water than a conventional yard.  I'd also like to incorporate rainwater and graywater systems to show how much further our resources can go.

Now, back to my dog Peeve.  He is the greatest, but is also driving me nuts (a short drive).  He is affectionate and minds well, but there is still enough puppy in him to cause some destruction in the house when I leave for a couple of hours.  I had a new gate installed last week, the old chainlink had several holes that people had cut to get through.  On my first day of letting Peeve out into the yard during the day, he still managed to escape twice.  Once leading to a trip to the SPCA to reclaim him ($70).  Tonight I pounded stakes into the ground to secure the rest of the fencing.  I really hope that this holds him tomorrow.  But I know that a dog that wants to get out will eventually find a way.

The neighborhood kids love Peeve.  The come over to play with him constantly.  He is great with them.  The second time he got out I saw Jeffery, a 7-year old walking him down the street with a chain leash.  I took Jeffery's bike, which had no back tire and a loose chain, to Steven's Bike Shop to get repaired, as a reward.

I'm living without a stove or refrigerator, a washer or a dryer.  No dish washer, TV, or disposal.  I'll be living with an evaporative cooler this summer (like my neighbors).  I have to fix the electrical before I add any more load.  My bedroom is upstairs, so I really don't need a fire!

I've had 3 older homes before, so I know the process.  I've also lived downtown before, so I knew about that part too.  I knew that this move would be a bit of an adventure, but like anyone else, I prefer things when they go smoothly.  It is a big change from my low maintenance condo.  But it feels right.  That's the main thing.  It was not the easiest choice.  But what has easy ever taught me?  It is much better knowing that when I talk to a service club about revitalizing our historic neighborhoods that I am doing more than just talking.

Stay tuned.  I'll try to share more of my experiences as I go along this path.  Like how to get the next door neighbors to quit throwing their garbage (including baby diapers) into my yard.


  1. It is hard to practice what you preach! However I believe if more people lived simply and had a conservationist mind we would be better off. As for your neighbor, maybe a garbage can would be a nice new neighbor gift for them. Please keep blogging Craig I enjoy your writing. :}

  2. Awesome, sounds like a good plan. I look forward to the chronicles of the restoration.

  3. Gotta hand it to you. It's evident you believe in what you're doing, and it's refreshing to see this! Thank you so much for sharing with everyone!

    Venita (Joy) Van Ingen

  4. Congrats... you are walking the walk, and all that. Really, I am impressed! Now about those disposal baby diapers (that your neighbors throw over the fence)... can I vent? Why why why have we forgotten how to make layettes for new mothers and then wash out the diapers... I did, my mother did, her mother did... really, let's remind folks how to fish. Karana

  5. Thanks for the cool blog. As for your dog, watch "It's me or the dog" on Animal Planet, She explains how the most important thing in training a dog is training the owner how to train a dog.
