Sunday, February 14, 2010

02-12-10 Last Friday

02-12-10 Blog Last Friday

8:00 Elliott Balch and I met with the committee that is working on the establishment of a Property Based Improvement District in downtown Fresno. We met at the Downtown Association’s office on the Fulton Mall. The effort is coming along, but will need to pick up some speed. The meeting didn’t end until 9:20.

So, I missed the 9:00 PIPES meeting, which is the internal effort to streamline development processes. I don’t usually have too much involvement in the process stuff, other than to be a broken record for downtown revitalization. I think that they all have my comments memorized by now.

9:30 I had a quick meeting with Interim City Manager Bruce Rudd. We needed to catch up on a few things.

10:30 I met with John Dugan and Jerry Bishop to go over some Interim Downtown Development Standards that will go to the Planning Commission and City Council in a few weeks. This proposed change would give the Planning Director (Dugan) more authority to make determinations on projects. This is way to keep things moving forward during the formation of the Specific Plan, which is the permanent solution. This interim approach will help us with issues like setbacks, mixed-use, outdoor dining, and others by removing the Conditional Use Permit requirements. This is another step in the right direction for the revitalization process!

11:30 I met with Bruce Lackey from Valectricar who is interested in a downtown showroom. This was interesting timing, because he was discouraged in his attempts to get a downtown showroom because of the Conditional Use Permit process. The interim Downtown Development Standards will help with this. He brought one of his company’s electric cars to city hall. They are like super-modified golf carts, completely electric, very cool design, they go 35 mph and are street legal in areas with a 40mph speed limit. Another cool option for downtown residents and workers.

12:30 I had lunch, by myself, at the bar (only iced tea) at Tokyo Garden. It was a good chance to catch up on the morning’s emails.

1:15 I went by Hands On to see their new gallery of local arts and fantastic crafts work from local artisans. Go by and take a look!

2:30 I attended a meeting with the City Manager, Planning, Public Works, Public Utilities, City Attorney’s office to discuss projects and policies as they effect growth and revitalization.

3:30 I began the Annual Review process with Elliott Balch.

4:15 I met with Anna Borgeas and Victoria Gonzales. Two active downtown revitalization enthusiasts and very good friends. This was a great meeting to cap off the week.

Betty Ann and I had a good dinner at Palomino's inTower Dsitrict and then went to the Fresno Filmworks showing of The Messenger (Best Supporting Actor, Best Original Screenplay nominations)

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